Have a general question about employment law? Want to share a story? I welcome all comments and questions. I can't give legal advice here about specific situations but will be glad to discuss general issues and try to point you in the right direction. If you need legal advice, contact an employment lawyer in your state. Remember, anything you post here will be seen publicly, and I will comment publicly on it. It will not be confidential. Govern yourself accordingly. If you want to communicate with me confidentially as Donna Ballman, Florida lawyer rather than as Donna Ballman, blogger, my firm's website is here.

Monday, July 22, 2019

What Unions Can Do To Help Immigrant Members

The National Immigration Law Center has this helpful information for unions that want to help their members in this time of ICE raids:
If you belong to a labor union, there are ways it can help you. You should talk to your union representative about your concerns. If it would make you feel more comfortable, ask some of your co-workers to go with you to talk to your representative. Your union contract might have language that protects union members, such as an agreement with the employer that has one or more of the following provisions:
  • The employer will not allow any Immigration officers to enter the workplace without a valid warrant signed by a federal judge or magistrate
  • The employer will immediately notify the union if the Immigration authorities contact the employer for any purpose so that the union can take steps to inform its members about their legal rights or to help them obtain legal assistance.
  • The employer will allow lawyers or community advocates brought by the union to interview employees in as private a setting as possible in the workplace. The union might also have a legal plan, which provides workers with immigration attorneys.
  • The employer agrees not to reveal the names, addresses, or immigration status of any employees to Immigration, unless required by law.
  • The employer will not participate in any computer verification of employees’ immigration or work authorization status.
I hope labor unions that don't have these provisions in place will look at ways they can negotiate to help their immigrant members.

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I appreciate your comments and general questions but this isn't the place to ask confidential legal questions. If you need an employee-side employment lawyer, try http://exchange.nela.org/findalawyer to locate one in your state.